Monday, December 15, 2008

Dec. 4th- Off to Beijing!

So I absolutely can't do anymore work today so I am finally going to blog about my weekend trip to Beijing!

We had class on Thursday morning until 11:30 and then culture class from 1:30 until 3:00. I was packing in between these classes when I realized that my favorite pair of jeans which I absolutely refuse to get rid of until they completely fall apart had two holes in them. Since the weather in Beijing had highs in the 20s I decided that I should patch them up. I went to Lawson's, got a traveler's sewing kit, and sewed up my jeans. Granted they'll probably fall apart in 5 minutes but I hope they'll last for the weekend. Honestly, if I'm not forgetting my tennis shoes I'm trying to wear clothes with holes in 20 degree weather. I thought someone told me that studying abroad would be a learning and maturing experience :) Anyways, I then went to class and all I wanted to do was leave for the trip. Our train left at 7:30 so we headed to the train station at 5:30 to allow time to get food. We ate KFC at the train station and then sat in our waiting lunge until it was time to board. We almost missed our boarding time because we weren't sure if it was our train or not so we decided that sitting there was the best option :) However, we did get on the right train and thankfully on a Thursday night there was room for all of the passengers to spread out. The soft seater cabin has 2 seats across in each row, it looked a lot like an airplane. Bill and I played gin rummy for about 2 hours and then called it a night around 11. I slept pretty well considering the cramped conditions but I did wake up a few times with a cramped neck. We were scheduled to arrive in Beijing at 7 AM.

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